

About Us

KAF Investment Funds Berhad (“KIFB”) is a holder of a Capital Markets Services Licence issued under the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007. KIFB became a subsidiary of KAF Seagroatt & Campbell Berhad with effect from 15 April 2013 when the latter acquired majority interest in Alliance Investment Management Berhad. Alliance Investment Management Berhad was later renamed as KAF Investment Funds Berhad to reflect the change in ownership.

As at 31 December 2024, KIFB has 16 collective investment schemes in its suite of offerings which covers a range of products types with different risk profiles. KIFB offers both conventional and Islamic collective investment schemes. In addition to KIFB’s own sales team, KIFB funds are distributed by Institutional Unit Trust Advisers (IUTAs) and KIFB’s registered agents. The agency sales force is an alternative distribution channel which enables KIFB to serve the investing public who seek personalized service. 

Financial Products

Conventional Funds

We have a wide array of funds from equities to bonds, money markets and from foreign equity to thematic approach of investment. As for different investment tenure of either short or long-term duration, we feel that there is a fund that will suit your investment need at a respective level of risk following your risk appetite. Kindly explore our funds:

Islamic Funds

In addition to your desire to achieve your investment objective, we do offer Islamic funds, for those who wish for investments that comply with Shariah requirements. These Islamic funds are:

Wholesale Funds

Aims to sophisticated investors, we have a list of wholesale funds offering you to distinctive investment strategies and meet your specific needs.

For information purposes only:

  • KAF Australia Islamic Property Fund (wound up on 23 February 2023)
  • KAF Islamic Money Market Fund (wound up on 3 September 2019)
  • KAF Islamic Institutional Money Market Fund (wound up on 2 May 2019)
  • KAF Institutional Money Market Fund (wound up on 2 May 2019)

Fund Prices

Download Center

Key Data


Prospectus / Information Memorandum


Product Highlights Sheet


Fund Factsheet


Annual/Interim Report


Income Distribution


Application Forms


How To Invest



We wish to inform that KAF Investment Funds Bhd will be adopting digital communication as the default mode for all correspondence in stages. As such, Unit Holders will be automatically enrolled to receive funds’ reports, for both the annual report and the semi-annual report, statements of investments as well as any other notices pertaining to your investments in the funds via electronic medium.

It is important that Unit Holders ensure that your latest electronic particulars registered with KAF Investment Funds Bhd are also your most current. Failure to do so may mean that important communication and correspondence from us may not reach you in the future.

Kindly visit the weblink below, following the funds invested to update your latest electronic particulars:

Fund: KAF Dana Adib
Fund: KAF Enhanced Bond Fund
Fund: KAF Millennium Fund
Fund: KAF First Fund
Fund: KAF Islamic Dividend Income Fund
Fund: KAF iCash Fund
Fund: KAF Bond Fund
Fund: KAF Core Income Fund
Fund: KAF Jade Fund
Fund: KAF Tactical Fund
Fund: KAF Money Market Fund
Fund: KAF Sukuk Fund
Fund: KAF Dana Alif
Fund: KAF Dana Al-Iddhikhar
Fund: KAF Vision Fund

Reminder: For security reasons, please have the verification code as stated in the notification letter.




If you have passion about wealth management, interest in investment and to build networking. You can join us as our UTC.

Contact us at





To prevent from being a victim of investment fraud, please do not invest through unauthorized distributors. Investments in our range of unit trust funds can be made via:

  • Direct investment with us by:

     Visit us at:

    KAF Investment Funds Berhad
    Level 13, Menara IQ,
    Lingkaran TRX, Tun Razak Exchange,
    55188 Kuala Lumpur

     Call us at: (+603) 9767 6000

     Fax Number: (+603) 9767 6001

     Email us at  

    (Operating hours is Mondays through Fridays from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)

    Our customer service personnel will be pleased to provide any assistance required.

  • Our authorized unit trust consultants who can provide personalized service and assist in your application; and

  • Our participating institutional unit trust advisers, as well as our corporate unit trust advisers, which are listed below*:

     AHAM Asset Management Berhad
     Alliance Bank (M) Bhd
     Areca Capital Sdn Bhd
     iFAST Capital Sdn Bhd
     Kenanga Investors Berhad
     Kuwait Finance House (M) Bhd
     Malayan Banking Berhad
     Phillip Mutual Bhd
     TA Investment Management Bhd
     UOB Kay Hian Securities Sdn Bhd

*Note: The list of distributors is accurate as of 30 June 2024. We may engage more institutional unit trust advisors and corporate unit trust advisors from time to time.


The contents of this website do not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell unit trust funds.

Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the respective prospectus / information memorandum and its supplementary(ies) (if any) before investing. Investors should consider the fees and charges involved. Investors should also note that the price of units and distributions payable, if any, may go down as well as up. Past performance of the respective unit trust funds is not an indication of its future performance.

Each of the unit trust funds referred to in this website is intended only to be made available in Malaysia. Investors are advised that the unit trust funds offered are solely on the basis of the information contained in the respective prospectuses / information memorandum and any other material outside this designated area of the prospectus / information memorandum does not form part of the respective prospectuses / information memorandum.

The printed copy of the respective prospectus / information memorandum as well as the application form(s) are available at our office and the office of our authorised distributors / agents.

The maintenance of this webpage is the responsibility of KAF Investment Funds Berhad.